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Meet RAD Security Executives at Black Hat USA

August 5-9, 2024

For every meeting that takes place, RAD Security will donate $100 to the National Cyber Scholarship Foundation.



Meet the visionaries behind RAD Security, a finalist for Black Hat Startup Spotlight Competition

This Black Hat USA, meet Brooke Motta and Jimmy Mesta, the founders of RAD Security, which eliminates cloud native attacks using transparent, behavioral baselines that integrate real-time identity and infrastructure context.

RAD Security gives back.
Join us in supporting the National Cyber Scholarship Foundation.

For the third year in a row, we are dedicating our presence at Black Hat to charity. By meeting with our team, you'll be helping us support the NCS Foundation, a youth-serving nonprofit working to prepare young people for careers in cybersecurity. Contributing to the work of the Foundation will enable the United States to continue supporting and developing the necessary talent protect our country’s infrastructure in these ever-changing times.

Signatures are history in cloud native detection and response. 

In sharp contrast to one-size-fits-all, legacy CWPP and container detection and response solutions, RAD takes a custom, behavioral approach to cloud native detection and response that can counter evolving threats while sharpening inputs into shift-left and posture management.

Want to learn more about our radical approach to cloud native detection and response?

Request a meeting with our founding team at our hospitality suite at Mandalay Bay, or somewhere else convenient for you.  




Book a Meeting


Brooke Motta is CEO and co-founder of RAD Security. Brooke is a dynamic leader in the cybersecurity industry who has scaled companies from seed to IPO. Brooke recognized the exponential growth in cloud native adoption as an opportunity to provide real-time security products as enterprise teams look to scale. Her decades of skilled leadership include executive positions at Sonatype, Wallarm, Bugcrowd and Rapid7.

Jimmy Mesta Headshot-2

Jimmy Mesta is the co-founder and Chief Technology Officer at RAD Security. He is responsible for the technological vision for the RAD Security platform. A veteran security engineering leader focused on building cloud-native security solutions, Jimmy has held various leadership positions with enterprises navigating the growth of cloud services and containerization. Previously, Jimmy was an independent consultant focused on building large-scale cloud security programs, delivering technical security training, producing research and securing some of the largest containerized environments in the world.


Mandalay Bay Panoramic Suite

Enjoy some food, drinks, and views on us while learning about cutting edge cloud native detection and response. 

Details will be provided when meeting is booked.


Say Farewell to Signature-Based Threat Detection in Cloud Native Environments

Eliminate cloud native attacks using transparent, behavioral baselines that integrate real-time identity and infrastructure context.